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Gemini forecast for Monday May 20, 2024

Updated: 15 hours ago
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Dreams and wishes are less similar than they seem. We choose our wishes. But dreams come from our subconscious. And since we don't choose them, we have no power over them; they have power over us. Which is why they're often best kept in the realm of fantasy. To make it even more complicated, it's not easy to differentiate between the two. Make sure you really want what you're wishing for now. Because with Sun moving into your sign, soon to be followed by Venus, then Jupiter, you're about to find ways to realise it.

Picture this: You wake up on a sunny morning, and as you step into your kitchen, you're greeted by the irresistible aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sight of a bountiful breakfast spread. That's the energy Venus and Jupiter are bringing into your home. Learn More.

May 19, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: No matter what action you decide to take there will be consequences. So, you might as well get going. As the Sun and Venus enter your sign, you can't lose. Even if you're uncertain, and things don't go entirely according to plan, things will work out right. Helpful connections will appear out of the blue. You'll find yourself presented with unexpected situations that can assist you on your way. Even problems will turn out to hide advantages. By the end of the week, you'll see emotional, material and spiritual improvements in your life. Yay!

May 18, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: With the Sun and Venus entering your sign this week, you're being blessed by the cosmos. The planet of love and creativity brings a glow of positivity that will affect the way you interact with the world around you, and the way people respond to you. Expect opportunities to thoroughly enjoy yourself, and invitations to branch out of your normal routine. You don't just deserve to feel more loved and appreciated, you need it. You've been sacrificing your own wellbeing to fulfil someone else's needs. Now, it's time for you.

May 17, 2024

Your weekend might not be looking perfect. But, if you're prepared to be enthusiastic about whatever comes your way, you'll learn a lot. So, that's the attitude you need to foster. Where you're anticipating difficulties, expect surprisingly positive events. That scenario that historically has always been challenging? If you approach it in a different way, you've got the power to transform it. If you're as honest, caring, kind and fair as you can be, and look for opportunities to have fun, under this cosmic climate, you'll find them.

May 16, 2024

It's not always easy to work out whether we're following our hearts or responding to an inner voice of concern. Messages are constantly to-ing and fro-ing in our minds. How are we supposed to work out which ones to focus on and which to ignore? Doesn't it depend on our mood? And isn't our mood based on emotions - which are just as important as the messages we're trying to comprehend? Today brings the clarity to discern what the 'real you' needs. Once you've recognised that, you can find a way to bring it into your life.

May 15, 2024

If you're trying to keep things as they are, or to make them like they used to be, stop! As your ruler, Mercury, leaves its shadow and moves into Taurus, if you allow the waves of change to wash over your life, you'll feel reinvigorated. Don't worry about what might disappear into the surf. Or the speed of the current. You're being encouraged to make moves that will take you towards a more enriching future. Remember that you're an adaptable Gemini. If you're willing to go with the flow and explore, you'll see opportunities you want to embrace.

May 14, 2024

"That which doesn't kill me, can only make me stronger." In a brilliant creative move, Kanye took Nietzsche's philosophy and made a mega hit. I don't suppose he'll bother with the philosopher's other big idea, nihilism; which says that nothing has meaning! Yet challenges make us stronger. And maybe true strength is realising that no matter how strong we are, we're mere strands in life's rich tapestry. If you've had enough of having to think hard and be strong, there's good news. Today brings a change that's worth singing about.